The Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act ("ARLTA") is the law governing most private, residential, rental agreements. In other words, the Arizona Landlord Tenant Act provides tenants and landlords with rights, obligations and remedies in the rental relationship. There are six sections in the act. In this post we will discuss the section on terms and conditions that must be included in a lease agreement. According to the Act, rent must be payable at the time and place agreed upon by the parties. Additionally, rent is to be paid at the dwelling unless otherwise specified in the lease. If the rental agreement doesn't have a fixed term than the term is week to week for roommates and month to month for all other cases. In our lease agreement we always break out the rent AND tax amount. This way if the rental tax increases the landlord can pass the cost onto the tenant with thirty days notice. Within the lease the landlord may request a contact person who can enter the unit should the tenant die. Should that occur be sure to always collect a copy of the death's certificate. If the landlord is unable to contact that person within ten days than the landlord may dispose of the tenant's belongings after death. If the landlord makes contact with the authorized person they have the authority to enter. They then have either twenty days or the last day that rent is paid for to remove all belongings. After that period the landlord can remove any items and has no further liability to the tenant's estate or heirs. Real Property Management Phoenix Valley has three podcasts on our recommendations of items to include in a lease agreement. To listen please visit us here.
By Lisa Borchard Sunday, September 29, 2019
Lisa Borchard
President and Designated Broker
Lisa is the President and Designated Broker of Real Property Management Phoenix Valley. Her extensive experience spans residential lending, property management, real estate sales, and homeowner association management. She brings the same level of diligence, management, and commitment to her clients' investment properties as she does to her own residential rental properties.
Lisa is the President and Designated Broker of Real Property Management Phoenix Valley. Her extensive experience spans residential lending, property management, real estate sales, and homeowner association management. She brings the same level of diligence, management, and commitment to her clients' investment properties as she does to her own residential rental properties.