Property managers can help you with your property in more than one way. Not only can they help ensure it's well-maintained, but they can also assist you with decide what to do with it. Whether you're looking for tenants or trying to evict one, many things can go wrong. This can possibly stress you out and even push you to drop out of the property business. However, you mustn't worry! A good property manager can help sort out your concerns and benefit you and your operations in the long run.
If you're on the fence about hiring a property manager, here are some common problems that property managers can solve for you that can help you make up your mind.
1. Collecting Rent On Your Behalf
Let's say you manage a property, and the tenant owes you rent. You can't collect from the tenant until they pay the full amount, but sometimes tenants need help with their finances before they can make good on their obligations. Property managers can help you if any of these situations apply to you:
- The tenant has not paid their rent in full.
- The tenant has fallen behind on other payments such as utility bills or late fees (if applicable).
- The tenant refuses to pay on time every month.
- The tenant has many missed payments.
Since property managers have years of experience dealing with collecting rent, they can manage all these problems on your behalf, and you don't have to worry!
2. Evicting a Tenant
Evicting a tenant is a complex and fairly challenging process that involves many steps and legalities. According to this Austin property management company it's essential to understand the process, so you can be prepared if your tenant decides to go on strike or tries to get evicted.
The reasons for eviction vary by state but generally include the violation of any of the terms contained in the lease agreement, such as not paying rent or damaging property beyond normal wear and tear (for example, having unauthorized pets).
A landlord must follow certain steps before evicting a tenant:
- Preparing an unlawful detainer complaint with court officials
- Serving notice to the tenant
- Scheduling a hearing at which both parties present evidence supporting their respective positions
- Presenting evidence during this hearing
- Filing an order granting possession of premises after considering these arguments and decisions made at trial level courts like county hall or circuit court levels where cases are heard under strict rules governing their conduct during proceedings
Sounds like a lot of work? Well, an experienced property manager can sort this out for you!
3. Ensuring Your Property is Cared for Properly
The first step to ensuring your property is cared for properly is ensuring tenants are taking care of it. If you have a tenant who doesn't pay their rent on time or causes other problems, you can lose their lease and possibly end up with another one that costs more money.
You also want to ensure that your tenants are happy with their living conditions and paying rent on time, so checking in with them regularly is essential. This will give both parties peace of mind knowing they aren't making any unnecessary changes at this stage in the game.
Finally, consistent communication can help keep track of any potential issues before they become more significant problems down the road, like having no hot water or flooding due to leaks from pipes leaking outside!
This is something that a successful property manager can take over and accomplish. They can take the time to visit every property and schedule routine maintenance. Having them manage your operations can simplify the entire process so that you don't have to worry about a thing! Plus, you can take all that extra time and effort to focus on other things instead of stressing over every tenant that comes your way.
4. Helping You Decide What to Do with Your Property
Property managers are experts in real estate, so they can help by consulting on whether you should renovate your property, lease or rent, or even sell it. Not only do they typically have years of experience, but they also extensively study the real estate market regularly and have a solid networking circle, making them better equipped to give you tips on managing the property best.
5. Finding New Tenants
The screening process is perhaps the most vital part of looking for tenants. It is typically carried out by asking questions about their past rental history and using references from previous property managers. If the tenant has a history of bad credit or other issues, there's a high chance they'll display the same behavior with you.
Luckily, property managers can get you in touch with long-term renters that will pay the rent on time.
At the end of the day, hiring a property management company is the best way to take care of your properties. You won't have to worry about taking the time to oversee each property for yourself, making more time for you to deal with other things in your life while making a profit. Property managers can plan for routine maintenance, establish safety and security measures, and get insurance for their properties.
If you don't already have a property manager, click here to find out how one of our experienced property managers can share your burdens and make your life easier.